LoveLife, South Africa
loveLife is a national HIV prevention programme for youth in South Africa. loveLife has brought together a broad based coalition of international foundations working in HIV/AIDS prevention, major South African media organizations and private corporations, the government of South Africa, and leading South African non-government organizations with one shared goal – to turn back the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, and related epidemics of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, among South Africa’s young people.
Founded in 1999 and with U. C. Berkeley grad, David Harrison as CEO since 2000, loveLife seeks to substantially reduce the HIV infection rate among young South Africans – and to establish at the same time a new model for effective HIV prevention among young people.
Founded in 1999 and with U. C. Berkeley grad, David Harrison as CEO since 2000, loveLife seeks to substantially reduce the HIV infection rate among young South Africans – and to establish at the same time a new model for effective HIV prevention among young people.
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